Life is about learning, applying what you have learned, and teaching others. It is also about giving and sharing. My success is based on people in my past who recognized my potential and took the time to help me to grow personally and professionally. My debt to them can only be repaid by doing the same for others. I have based my approach to life on this, and endeavor to do something unexpected and special every day for a friend, loved one or complete stranger. |
What I Value |
Sharing information and giving back to my profession. The pages that comprise this web site contain some of the best documents and tools I have come across. Collecting them and putting them in one place to share with whomever happens by is an opportunity for me to contribute. |
What You'll Find |
My Original Web Page contains my primary collection of tools, documents and links. Information Technology Newsletter is a publication that I co-edit and publish with my closest friend and professional colleague, Linda Zarate. She is an inspiration and someone who shares my philosophy and values. Linda has a personal web page that reflects her professional interests and personal values, and her book reviews on amazon.com are interesting and well written. I also publish (when I find time) a project management newsletter that contains links, documents and opinions that you might find useful if project management is among your interests. My amazon.com book reviews is another way of sharing information and a personal hobby. |
Guide to Content |
Here is a quick guide to what you'll find when you go exploring: